Happy Father’s Day!!!


 “Grateful”  “Giving Thanks”!   A Hugely important thing to me!!!

I am hugely grateful for both of my parents.

They were both creative people, and I believe I inherited from both.

I don’t remember my father, because he died when I was only 4.

But I discovered this silent film of my paren’t wedding a few years ago!

Until I saw it, I had never seen my father move, any mannerisms, nothing.

I was born in 1947 in Los Angeles;  My mother was 40 years old when I was born (that was a neighborhood scandal!)

 I have a brother born in 1938; ( there were blood issues ;  now easily solved);

 however, my mother lost 7 pregnancies after my brother;  who was born in 1939!

My Daddie died when I had just turned 4;  I heard wonderful stories about him;

  I have some great photographs of him which I treasure….and are on my walls!

I don’t remember him…really…except little  tiny “snippets”..I never saw him “move”;

and I didn’t remember any “mannerisms” or  “body language”.

My mother was an enormous influence…..we were incredibly  close;

 I learned everything I know  from her;  and she was a total pistol;

until Parkinson’s took her down at 67  (YIKES!)  and took her life at 70.

So:  my cousin Paulette calls me to say she found a yellow “Kodak” box with my father’s name on it;

 inside is a roll of film with a date stamp of “June  20 1950”

I think it might be my birthday party!   Off it toodles to be turned into a disc!

I put it into my laptop;  and this is the story!

It is a film of them right after their wedding!!

It was a “silent movie” filmed 16 years earlier;  in 1934! It is a movie

(when you had to crank it up……and let it wind  out…..and  crank it up again!)

My mother was 26; my father 32; they were married in Yuma Arizona, in 1934!

Right after the ceremony; this person filmed them leaving the “Justice of the Peace” office;

 and off they went to some divine hotel with a cousin; filmed by someone! In 1934!

My father took it to the film store to update the film 16 years later.

 He knew he was dying;  I think he did so so we could watch it when he was gone!  He died in 1951.

This is the 3 minute film.

I had never seen it before.  It had been hiding in a box of photographs.

Having a movie of my parents right after they are married is great enough;

 however, this is the first time I have ever seen my Daddie “move”!

It means more to me than I can express!

One of my friends said it so beautifully!

She said….”this shows the power of film to bring people back to us”!

Watching it, I felt they were blowing kisses at me!

I saw a lot of love here!  Please share your comments!

Pretty darn stylish people;  and the cutest car!  A 1934 Ford Cabriolet with a rumble seat

An incredible gift!!!

click on the arrow

to view!!!

More to explore...

52 Responses

  1. Dear Penelope, I am very fortunate to have had my mother give me love and emotional support for almost sixty years. She recently passed at age 91 due to complications from Parkinson’s Disease. All things considered, her mind was essentially good to almost the end, however, and that was a blessing. And she looked fabulous — unfortunately we did not share the looks genes. But I got lots from her otherwise. Best wishes to you,
    _John T

  2. via email:

    oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh, how divine.
    I see u, I see ella, I see poppy. we need her secrets
    to being an inch wide, as well.

    so cute, so happy, so fun. it is great to see ur mom
    who I feel I know from all you have said, but to see
    her “in action”…nothing I cd have imagined wd have
    made her so real to me.

    I am in Paris
    walking, walking, trying to lose my pounds.
    and having a ball!

    1. this is a lifelong friend to me…Rebecca……a designer of jewelry……I have known my entire life!! (it feels like);

      I had “shows” at our house….and Rebecca sold her fabulous jewelry!

      Honestly…..36 years….or close!

      How wonderful to still be close friends!!


  3. Via email:

    Hi Penny,

    That was a wonderful film of your folks — thanks for sharing it. Wouldn’t it be fabulous to have a lip reader look watch it and tell you what they’re saying?

  4. What an absolute treasure you have! Your parents look so happy, and your mother’s smile lights up the world. I’m so happy you have this beautiful video to remember your father by.

    1. Thank you! I am so moved by people who relate to this!

      I almost didn’t post it! Then, I thought……this is “universal!”

      Even someone whose mother died recently at 91 was the very first comment!

      I am so glad I posted! (3rd year in a row….after I found it!) It remains the biggest treasure! YIKES!!!

    2. thank you so much for commenting! Honestly; it is the most wonderful gift! And surprise!

      Happy Mother’s day! And thank you so much for your comment!

  5. Via email: (do try clicking on the title……) then you can leave comments and it is a better format!

    I adore the comment from my sister-in-law! and I adore HER!!!

    “Absolutely adore the baby chicks on Mother’s Day and your parents’ wedding video is a wondrous gift…..loved it….and I see your mother in you AND Ella !!!


    1. Sweet Poppy and Tommy thought, actually……that it WAS Ella!!

      It is astonishing how genetic things are transferred! Yowzers……the manners were scary/same!!!

      Some of my friends……(from way back) thought it was me! Ella’s kids thought it was actually “Ella”!!!

      I love that you saw us both! You have known us for 38 years……a long time! Isn’t it?

      I love you Wendy!!!

      Wasn’t that such a gift from heaven!?


  6. Have you found a lip reader???
    How wonderful to live & share a legacy of ” SMILING”!
    Thank you for your gift of sharing.
    You & yours inspire us all!

  7. Hi Penelope,

    This is my first visit to your blog! I discovered you through Cote de Texas – I thought, she seems interesting and likable so I decided to check out your blog. I haven’t had the chance to look all around but so far I have to say I really admire your design and decorating work – stunning.

    You are so lucky to have this film of your parents – they really look so great and also very kind – lovely bright smiles.

    I will have fun going through your archives and getting to know you through your blog!

    Best Regards, Cindy

  8. Dear Penelope!
    Oh how I enjoyed this film! I had MY hanky out by the end!
    Your parents were clearly very much in love! What a handsome man your father was and your mother was so chic and full of personality, just as you are.
    Truly a most treasured fabulous find!
    Have you found a lip reader yet?
    Kindest regards,

  9. No! Do you know one? Maybe someone will!!! I would love to know the words……..although watching them shows so much love; as you said so beautifully!

    Wasn’t this the luckiest find EVER?

    Thank you!!!

  10. Wow!! Wow! you look just like your mother – that was amazing. and your father – so handsome. they look so happy. what a great treat to find – you are so lucky.

    thanks for sharing this!!!!!!!


  11. Such a great gift to you. We have lots of old home movies of family and this makes me want to get ahold of them and revisit all the old memories. your mama was beautiful. You can see that she was such a lovely person.. Full of fun! Thank you for sharing. I subscribed to your blog sometime ago and was just thinking of you the other day and wondering when I would see another post and here it is! Thank you!

  12. Thank you! I will be posting some new posts…so many people wanted to see my “old” (not that long ago!!)

    I plan to repost “old blogs” with new information or slants!

    Thank you for joining!!

  13. received via email:
    This made me cry, saw this last year. The apple does not fall far from the tree. Happy Mother’s Day to you and all the Moms in the world.

  14. Thank you! Think of it!

    We can see “full of fun” (you are right on…she was so full of fun!!”

    77 years later orwhateveritis!

    This happiness and love and beautiful surroundings and even a lovely car! (it wasn’t expensive car; it was just a beautiful car!) I thought to buy one! Guess what! I could! There is one available….fully restored; $85,000.00!!

    Thank you so much for your lovely comment!

  15. HI there! There are so many brand-new subscribers; I think I will repost many blogs!

    I will add some new ones; also; however so many people don’t know how to work; or came late!

    Reposting will be happening unless I receive negative feedback!

    Please give feedback!

    When I started there were not many blogs! Brooke (my hero) at Velvet and Linen inspired me to start!

    But she knows her way around all of social media!

    I am completely lost in the forest!

    I will follow my heart…I am so happy you like this repost!

    It was a truly astonishing experience!!!

  16. Thank you Judi! I will be writing more!

    I love your enthusiasm about my blog!

    Wow!! How things have changed ! I so appreciate your input!!!


  17. A treasure indeed, Penelope. What a beautiful couple and love seeing your resemblance to your mother!! That is a true Mother’s Day gift…

  18. a treasure. Absolutely priceless. One can see who much they loved one another…how affectionate your father was. Lovely!

  19. via email:

    Penny–This is the most loving video I have ever seen. So amazing that you have this to forever hold on to.
    It is just wonderful—Continually Kayley

  20. Penny, Your parents would be so proud of you and all you have accomplished.

  21. I love your video. What a wonderful treasure to have. The love between them is so touching. I have some old movies of my parents who are both gone now too from the 50’s & 60’s. For me too, it’s like visiting with them for a few minutes when I watch them.
    Thanks for sharing this with us.

  22. All those sweet kisses were blown, I feel, just for you, Penny. They waited patiently for decades to fly from your loving parents lips to you. And they are much deserved. It is never too late to send a kiss to someone—or to receive one. Even these, after so many years, are filled with such power and magic. I am so grateful you shared this touching filmette with me…silent? Hardly. It loudly sings of sparkling young love. Fondly, Bill

    1. Well! What can I say! I have loved every single comment!
      I adored yours! And you are a brilliant writer!

      Thank you!! Brilliant explanation!

      This divine man and his wife live in Montecito,,,and they collaborate on the best travel secret thing EVER!
      Nothing happened here except a dinner and my sharing! “Entree is the secret society”!!

      “Insider information” is definitely legal in the travel industry!

      Just subscribe! It is better than the other good ones!

      (FUN” is a big factor!! (I have no sponsors!!)

  23. “ENTREE”

    I will make sure this is the right address! He is one step above the “Harper Collection”!

    (we have followed and subscribed for years)


  24. via email from the Tomikis! “Entree” divine!!!

    All those sweet kisses were blown, I feel, just for you, Penny. They waited patiently for decades to fly from your loving parents lips to you. And they are much deserved. It is never too late to send a kiss to someone—or to receive one. Even these, after so many years, are filled with such power and magic. I am so grateful you shared this touching filmette with me…silent? Hardly. It loudly sings of sparkling young love. Fondly, Bill

  25. Dear Penelope,

    I am so very grateful for your visit to Poppy View yesterday, for it brought me to your blog today, where I had the chance to see a little love story, starring two of the most enchanting characters I have ever seen. Thank you for this special screening, and for sharing the magical bond between your charming parents, indeed, a fairytale come true!


  26. What a treasure. I can’t imagine having a movie of my parents so young. Your mother was so stylish and so adorable.what a fabulous couple they made. Thank you for sharing that beautiful video. and what a gift to the next generation.

  27. This is GORGEOUS!I have seen before when you POSTED but WE have never seen the film in its entirety!!Before the film ended before showing the HACIENDA I assume ARIZONA…….and your parents taking turns behind the wheel of the car!YOU LOOK JUST LIKE THEM!!!

  28. thank you Elizabeth…..we are kindred souls…..and I thank you from the bottom of my heart!

    thank you also to DEE!! I think you two are the only ones who received this post!

    Lucky me to receive such loving responses! Thank you both!!



  29. Dearest Dee! I forgot to tell you that both my grandchildren….tommy 13; and Poppy 16 thought my mother was their mother! (my daughter named after my mother!!)

    So true about the next generation! They adore it!!!!! Thank you for your comment!

  30. Hi Penny, What a wonderful film to have of your parents…your mom was such a special person and you look like her.. Both of my parents just recently died and I wish I had a movie of them when they were young. This is priceless!
    I also enjoyed the film of your home..it was fun to see the show after seeing your home in person…it was such a treat to come out and visit you..

    1. It was a treat to have you! And your blog post about our house is one of my favorites! May I repost it?

  31. Loved your parents video Penny!!! It’s so very special, they look so happy & filled with love! I see you & Ella in your beautiful mother. Thank you so much for sharing it!

  32. How lovely! I think you are a delightful person. Wish I live in Montecito! Are you still blogging?