My very favorite mirror above a fireplace or console is a “trumeau”!
A “trumeau” either has a painted scene or some lovely carving.
They were always part of the “boiserie” (paneling) in a french house; and are very popular here, especially in ” French” houses!
This is what I do know! I LOVE “trumeaus”!!
Our house in Pasadena……..had three trumeaus in the living room!
It was a “pavilion” and copied from a lovely house outside of Paris built in the 18th century.
During the eighteenth century , many rooms were paneled with “boiserie” carved and painted.
Above the fireplaces and over consoles they often had a mirror included in the paneling to increase the light.
“Because lighting an interior was a great challenge during this period the use of highly reflective mirror glass was an integral part of any room. During the reign of Louis XV (1723-1774) and Louis XVI (1774-1792) large mirror plates were actually placed within the framework of the walls and mounted above fireplaces and console tables with candelabra and candlesticks placed in front of them to reflect the light.”
When we were building our house; I was on a decorating trip to New Orleans with Sotheby’s and I discovered a pair of “trumeau” mirrors with two different scenes!
I had never seen that before!
Because we were building a “big hall” with two fireplaces , I made an “emergency” call to my husband!
Finding a pair of trumeaus with two different scenes was lucky beyond!
Happily, we bought them , and they are a delightful part of our “big hall”!
They have two delightful scenes of children playing and even a dog that looked like our dog, Georgie!

We had a lovely French Regency style house in Pasadena, which had four beautiful trumeaus!

Here is the one that was over the fireplace in the living room.

This is looking the other direction towards the dining room a pair of consoles with trumeaus.
This console was in the dining room.

This console and mirror were in the entry hall!
Trumeaus are lovely!

The lady who built our house in 1957 went to France with her architect to buy these antiques to incorporate into the French “pavilion” she was building!
I am showing examples of others I’ve found!

Pair of Louis XV Style Trumeaux. Ca: 19th C

11 Responses
Spectacular!!!! WOW!!! How perfectly you integrated them into your home! A trumeau mirror surly elevates the sophistication of a room!
Facinating post on the “trumeau” Penny! I could probably never afford one but I think they are super cool and beautiful. Love the history you put in there about them and I bet ya anything Marie Antoinette had one or two in her Petit Trianon! They are like time portals that give us a glimpse to the opulence and glory that was France.
What lovely mirrors and its nice to read the history.
They are lovely!
And they add such charm to a room.
Penelope, this was so lovely. Might I add that I never see such fine trumeau’s here in the South of France anymore, not even at the professional shows or deballages. What am I doing at the professional shows, you might ask, well, a girl can dream can’t she?!
Oh! That is heartbreaking! Have you seen many rooms with their original “boiseries”? I believe in going to the professional shows! It is a great way to “educate your eye”! One never knows what one may stumble upon. I have been very lucky to have found many things that people who inherited them did not value; and to pay a dealer a fraction of their worth! Keep your eyes peeled!
These Trumeau’s are so exquisite, they’re fantastic & it’s so great the knowledge you have to share, Penny…..thank you!!!
Penny I have a Trumeau mirror in gilded gold with an urn, acanthus leaf and medallion motif!
Gorgeous examples!!
Art by Karena
2012 Artist Series
Oh Bravo! Lots of people don’t know what or why or whatever about them!
How wonderful!
We just saw the best movie!! “The Intouchables”!
A wonderful, wonderful movie! I may have to see it again!! I was studying the “boiseries” and the trumeaus the entire time! Sheesh! What a gorgeous location in Paris!
But back to Heather’s comment…..my very favorite trumeaus are from Provence. I am hoping they are “staying on the walls in the paneling”
She will keep us posted! Please Heather!
What a beautiful home and beautiful trumeaus. Thank you for both the tour and the tutorial.
I’ve always wanted a trumeau, especially now after seeing your post!
They are so lovely. Someday….!