*This post was originally published on The Art Of Outdoor Living by Margie Grace
We hear about disasters around the globe on a daily basis, but it’s hard to imagine that such devastation will ever hit so close to home. In early December 2017, the Thomas Fire swept through Ventura and Santa Barbara counties to become the second-largest fire in California history. On January 9, 2018, before the fire was even fully contained, the first measurable rain of the season fell, generating massive debris flows that devastated Montecito. In a matter of moments, 23 people lost their lives and over 400 homes, 33 commercial structures and 92 outbuildings were destroyed or damaged.

The debris flows left this site covered in three feet of mud and detritus. Below are images from before, during and after the disaster. The images on these pages were taken a mere eight months after the award-winning garden – which we had built in 2004 – was restored from the ground up.
Before the destruction. This naturalistic garden, prior to the disaster, was home to a range of wildlife. Notable species included coyotes, bobcats, hawks, quail, dove, owls and mallards. Songbirds, bats, butterflies, native pollinators, reptiles and amphibians are plentiful too.

Before the destruction. The pre-disaster garden was designated Certified Wildlife Habitat by the National Wildlife Federation.

Before the destruction. The modest residence, guest house (above) and garage flank the motor court. The structures – pre-disaster – were covered in vines and adorned with charming pieces of sculpture and comfortable, inviting furniture.

January 2018. Several feet of thick mud cover the driveway. Mud entered the garage and guest house, destroying two cars and most of the surfaces and furnishings inside. The main residence, having been built two feet above base flood elevation, escaped inundation, both inside and – incredibly – in the crawl space below.

January 2018. Mixed with the mud, debris from all over Montecito – massive beams and other lumber from decimated homes; broken ceramics, furniture, figurines and garbage – are strewn about the property.

January 2018. The pond is filled with mud and debris.

Clean up. February-May 2018

The mud was sifted meticulously and sorted into piles of soil, wood/green waste, boulders, and garbage.

Garden objects and building materials were salvaged for reuse. Most of the salvaged items were from on-site — but some came from as far away as Casa de Maria, over a quarter-mile upstream.

Rather than haul all of the mud offsite, we built three massive berms: two by the pond and one along the west property line – the only places on site where the soil could be placed without impacting surviving trees.

May 2019 – Eight months after restoration. “Sycamore and Poppy Mountain”, a massive mound of mud, was put in place and compacted during the clean up, above and below. We shaped the mound and added boulders, steps and gravel paths. Newly planted Sycamores, poppies and other natives are growing at an astounding rate in the fertile soil.

May 2019 – Eight months after restoration. The garden and grounds are nearly back to their former glory.

Life has returned with a vengeance. So far this year, we’ve counted three batches of Mallard ducklings and two rounds of owlets in the new owl box. Quail are beginning to venture back as the plant shelter grows denser. Songbirds, hummers and butterflies are superabundant as well.

Our sincere thanks to our clients and the whole restoration team: Accurate Construction (clean up), Giffin and Crane (general contractors) and Dan Siebert (Estate Gardener) – both for his institutional knowledge during the garden restoration and for his ongoing care and stewardship.
16 Responses
Thank you for sharing! The home and habitat you have designed is so lovely. What a beautiful and thoughtful restoration out of such devastating events. Wonderful to see ‘Sycamore and Poppy Mountain’ created and thriving!
We live in Northern California, I’m bringing my mom down for a weekend in September. Do you ever offer garden visits?
Absolutely! Just let me know when you will be here! I love showing people! Absolutely love it!
Bravi to you and Adam! It looks amazing! What a wonderful heavenly oasis! Xoxox Nina
Oh, Penny! I thought about you and your magical home so often during the fire and the floods. I am so glad you shared what happened. And I am so glad that you were able to save your wonderful home and recreate the parts that were damaged. Pray that nothing like that happens again. Thank you for your update. Also,
That you for the Design Living walk down memory lane. As an interior designer for over 45 years, I first ‘discovered” you on that video all those years ago. I felt such a compatibility with you design wise. I searched for that tape over time and never found it. What a treat to have you show it again.
Thank you!
Thank you so much! It is so funny, every now and then I hear someone has seen it on TV. I wish I could figure out where I could get a better copy of it!
Oh, Penny!!!!
What an astounding story of TRANSFORMATION, redemption, love and Nature.
This needs to be in a children’s book, about determination, and wonders of Nature.
I so admire and love your grit, focus, determination, special talent and your
amazing eye, all restored and at peace again! A thriller! What an incredible
ordeal, and you have a huge TRIUMPH. It is a true story of TRIUMPH!!
Against so many odds. (praise the Lord, also, for Dan!!!)
It is totally a “Penny” thing, it is what you do, bring light and beauty to the dark.
I think it is even more gorgeous than before, and will continue to be. Praise the
Lord you guys thought of the drainage for pond and etc.
Love you and all that you do!!! heart heart heart
Thank you darling, Rebecca! I love you!!!
You’re one amazing woman Penny‼️
You made it all possible and it’s breathtakingly beautiful‼️
“if you hafta GO through it… might as well GROW through it”. I am so proud of you Penny…you never let the emotional “MUD” sweep you away.
I love that quotation! You are the greatest inspiration!
Wow! I am in complete awe, not just from the photos of the damage, but the incredible rebuild. How fortunate that the “team” was the right one to restore this wonderful place for the owners, and also for the wildlife, which are so often never even considered. Thank you for sharing this. Kudos to you all.
Amazing revival!
It’s just magnificent. Had to be devastating. Thank you for showing the progression. Hard to believe how the flora and fauna have rallied. I love watching your owl cam on insta!
Oh thank you! I cannot tell you the joy I derive from those owls every day,thanks to that camera and the second set of baby owlets since January! Bravo!
Reading this as hurricane Dorian is bearing down on the Bahamas and the coast of Florida… your amazing post is a reminder that life can rise again from devastation, which is truly comforting and hopeful. The photos tell the whole story… I have scrolled through them slowly a number of times. The utter destruction, followed by tremendous effort and perseverance, leading to a fierce resurgence of beauty and wildlife is breathtaking. Your gardens and wildlife habitat are magnificent and so desperately needed amidst the natural and man-made destruction taking such a toll on our precious planet. Thank you for sharing… it is a deeply moving and inspirational story… Debbie
Thank you Debbie.
I haven’t posted a blog in a long time; and this was written by my landscape designer. It is my hope that this will give people who suffer disasters that a rebirth and restoration is possible. We were blessed with an incredible team of people to help, and backed by a wonderful insurance company, the original builders of the house, and the original landscape designer. Our disaster company was unparalleled, and the entire effort was heartwarming and inspirational for us.
Thank you so much for your comment!